Sponsor an Artist
donations $1000. +
The Producers' Circle donations $5000. +
Executive Produce
donations $35,000. +
Your support creates paying jobs in the theatre.
Your donations provide opportunities and employment for working artists .
Please continue to build community and support creativity.
Check donations payable to:
Creative Women New York Inc. ​​
please email us for correct mailing address
*All donations are 100% tax deductible to the extent allowed by law*
Every dollar supports creativity.
Shouting THANK YOU for your support​​​​​​
Anonymous x 3
Barbara Smith-Alfaro & Victor Alfaro
Sandro Manzo & Fiamma Arditi
Adrienne Armor
Alice Barden
Joanna Bevacqua
Brewer Family
Meredith Brosnan
Joe Campanelli
Ron Canada
Susan Canada
Creative Women
Kitty Chen
Cari DeBlasio
Christine D'Onofrio
Matthew Dessner
James & Margaret Douglass
Elizabeth L. Enck
Chase Gilbertson
Shoshanna Gleich
Andrew Goldberg
Jeff Goldberg
Stuart Howard & Judy Waters
Tracey Iigner
Miranda Jonte
David Kucera
Georgianna LaBella-Saracco & John Saracco
Poz Lang
Dena Lenard
Grace Macris
Sarah Matteucci, ESPA at Primary Stages
Frances Middendorf
Catherine Monnet
Nettles Artists' Collective, Deb Baldarini & Sandie Luna
Eve Pomerance
​Concepcion Nierras
Al Ramos
Charlotte Richards
RMG Group
Corey Rogers
Marie L. Saunders
Carrie Schoenfeld
Kimberly Davis Shapiro
Richard Squires
Sternman Productions
Will Sunshine
Dena Tyler
Angus Vail & Julie Daugherty
Wagon Driver Productions​
Beth & John Wagner
Lila Weingast